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Microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download

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NET-related workloads. The Browse tab displays packages by popularity from the currently selected source see package sources. Search for a specific package using the search box on the upper left. Select a package from the list to display its information, which also enables the Install button along with a version-selection drop-down. Select the desired version from the drop-down and select Install.

Visual Studio installs the package and its dependencies into the project. You may be asked to accept license terms. When installation is complete, the added packages appear on the Installed tab. Packages are also listed in the References node of Solution Explorer, indicating that you can refer to them in the project with using statements.

To include prerelease versions in the search, and to make prerelease versions available in the version drop-down, select the Include prerelease option. NuGet has two formats in which a project may use packages: PackageReference and packages. The default can be set in Visual Studio’s options window. Select the package to uninstall using search to filter the list if necessary and select Uninstall. Note that the Include prerelease and Package source controls have no effect when uninstalling packages.

In web site projects, right-click the Bin folder. Select the Updates tab to see packages that have available updates from the selected package sources. Select Include prerelease to include prerelease packages in the update list. Select the package to update, select the desired version from the drop-down on the right, and select Update.

For some packages, the Update button is disabled and a message appears saying that it’s «Implicitly referenced by an SDK» or «AutoReferenced». This message indicates that the package is part of a larger framework or SDK and should not be updated independently. For example, Microsoft. App is part of the. NET Core SDK, and the package version is not the same as the version of the runtime framework used by the application.

You need to update your. NET Core and. NET Core runtime. See this document for more details on. NET Core metapackages and versioning. This applies to the following commonly used packages:. To update multiple packages to their newest versions, select them in the list and select the Update button above the list. You can also update an individual package from the Installed tab.

In this case, the details for the package include a version selector subject to the Include prerelease option and an Update button. Managing packages for a solution is a convenient means to work with multiple projects simultaneously.

When managing packages for the solution, the UI lets you select the projects that are affected by the operations:.

Developers typically consider it bad practice to use different versions of the same NuGet package across different projects in the same solution. When you choose to manage packages for a solution, the Package Manager UI provides a Consolidate tab on which you can easily see where packages with distinct version numbers are used by different projects in the solution:. In this example, the ClassLibrary1 project is using EntityFramework 6.

To consolidate package versions, do the following:. The Package Manager installs the selected package version into all selected projects, after which the package no longer appears on the Consolidate tab.

To change the source from which Visual Studio obtains packages, select one from the source selector:. The source now appears in the selector drop-down. To change a package source, select it, make edits in the Name and Source boxes, and select Update. Using the up and down arrow buttons does not change the priority order of the package sources. Visual Studio ignores the order of package sources, using the package from whichever source is first to respond to requests.

For more information, see Package restore. If a package source reappears after deleting it, it may be listed in a computer-level or user-level NuGet. Config files. See Common NuGet configurations for the location of these files, then remove the source by editing the files manually or using the nuget sources command. When a package is selected, the Package Manager UI displays a small, expandable Options control below the version selector shown here both collapsed and expanded.

Note that for some project types, only the Show preview window option is provided. When selected, a modal window displays which the dependencies of a chosen package before the package is installed:. Dependency behavior configures how NuGet decides which versions of dependent packages to install:. File conflict action specifies how NuGet should handle packages that already exist in the project or local machine:.

Remove dependencies : when selected, removes any dependent packages if they’re not referenced elsewhere in the project. Force uninstall even if there are dependencies on it : when selected, uninstalls a package even if it’s still being referenced in the project.

This is typically used in combination with Remove dependencies to remove a package and whatever dependencies it installed. Using this option may, however, lead to broken references in the project. In such cases, you may need to reinstall those other packages. Feedback will be sent to Microsoft: By pressing the submit button, your feedback will be used to improve Microsoft products and services. Privacy policy. Skip to main content. Contents Exit focus mode.

Tip To include prerelease versions in the search, and to make prerelease versions available in the version drop-down, select the Include prerelease option. Note NuGet has two formats in which a project may use packages: PackageReference and packages.

Tip If a package source reappears after deleting it, it may be listed in a computer-level or user-level NuGet. Is this page helpful? Yes No. Any additional feedback? Skip Submit. Submit and view feedback for This product This page. View all page feedback.

Basically, it works perfectly fine if I launch the dialog from the Tools menu Extensions and Updates. However, if I right click on a project name, in apckage solution explorer and select ‘Manage NuGet Packages’ then a new tab opens up but NuGet generates an error «failed to retrieve metadata from microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download I can install whatever i want.

Ok I did that, but I’ve found what looks like a work around. This is copied from a StackOverflow post:. I had the same issue, and after struggling for a couple of http://replace.me/7947.txt I finally got it.

To fix the issue Move the newly created посмотреть больше to the top of the list under Available package sources. Click OK and downloaf Visual Studio. Whether all projects have the same issue? If you don’t have other VS Environment, maybe you could share me a simple sample with one drive, I will test it in my side.

But if all projects have the same issue, maybe the right click items met a loaded issue. If possible, please repair your VS from the microsotf panel, and then re-create a new project, test it again. We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place. Click HERE to participate the survey.

I tried installing the same VS on a different laptop which is connected to a different network, and I do нажмите сюда experience this issue. I tried repairing VS but the issue stills exists. I even tried removing and then reinstalling NuGet Package manager, but that did not resolve the issue either. I am starting to think this might be an internal network issue, but why would it work using the console microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download not using the gui dialog.

That’s what is driving me crazy Please run your VS in safe mode:. I’m not very sure that whether it is related to your перейти, maybe you could use the same network as other machines in your machine, test it again.

If it worked well, at least, we could know that it is not the VS IDE issue, and then you could discuss this issue with your IT, maybe it has certain limitation in your specific studjo. All of my colleagues in the office are experiencing the same issue. We are all connected to the same network and all of us are running vs enterprise edition. It seems that I didn’t update it to the latest microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download in my side.

But after I update it to the 3. Please check that whether it has microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download limitations in your local internet for the package nugget in the following link. I’m dowlnoad the exact same issue.

My organization does use a strict firewall and proxy. Failde this is a local internet issue, are there any suggestions on what I can do to to prove it and resolve it? I’m afraid that I have no directly answer for it, one idea is that you 22015 discss this issue with the IT of your team, or you could change the internet without using the local type, test it again.

At жмите, it microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download the way we could narrow down this issue. I have a new box and just installed a fresh copy of VS Ent and get this same error. I can put the url in IE and it resolves just fine. You guys need to figure this out. This is ridiculous that you profess to not even having a clue as to what’s going on. Since different members got the same issue, t o ссылка на страницу the issue confirmed and diagnose by product team, would you please create connect report for it?

You will get email notification for update. I presume the UI package manager’s initial step listing available packages is equivalent to Downloas, so this seems to suggest a general issue with microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download for packages rather than installing packages. Since this thread was closed for a long time, and VS IDE also has some updates like it has the update 2 now. To discuss this issue better together, would you please create a new case in this forum?

We will follow up the new case in time. We were able to reproduce this issue immediately against a new TFS Приведу ссылку 1 install in-place update from TFS U3resulting in the same failure and behavior on the two windows clients we tested with each with identical environment.

Server Environment: – Windows Server Client reproduction: 1. Load a test Страница 6. It would appear the original problem still exists out of the box, and it is a show stopper for this clients migration – Any thoughts or updates we can explore? The content you requested has been removed.

Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Answered by:. Archived Forums. Visual Studio General Questions. Sign in to vote.

Thank you. Friday, August 21, PM. This is copied from a StackOverflow post: I had the same issue, and after struggling for microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download couple of hours I finally got it. It worked like a charm for VS Falied, September 11, PM. Best Regards, Jack We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.

Monday, August 24, AM. Hi Jack, I am getting the error message on every c project. Can you please find out why this is happening? Monday, August 24, PM. Could you share us the detailed error message? Maybe you could share me a screen shot about it. Tuesday, August 25, AM. Tuesday, August 25, PM. Where did you download this version? I check it in my default VS, it is the 3. Maybe you could share me the download link, I will download and install it in my side.

Like my previous reply: I’m not very sure that whether it is related to your network, maybe you could use the same network as other machines in your machine, test it again. Could you check that whether it is related to the network in your side? Wednesday, August 26, AM. Hi Jack, All of my colleagues in the office are experiencing the same issue. I don’t think we have different NuGet version. Wednesday, August 26, PM.

Hi rob, Thanks for your friendly response. Thursday, August 27, AM. Tuesday, September 8, PM. Please also add these site as the trust site in your IE settings, test it agian.

Thanks, Jack We are trying to better sgudio customer views on social support experience, so microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.

Wednesday, September 9, AM. Ok, I’ve been getting this from the start with VS Installed in the day after release. Added it to my trusted sites, dowhload doesn’t work. Thursday, September 10, PM. Friday, September 11, AM. Knut Meltzer. Great workthis solution is good for me!!!! Monday, September 14, PM. Seemed to work for me, but my work-mate wasn’t so lucky. I seem to have exactly the same issue, however, in the Package Manager Console — Install-Package works fine Get-Package -ListAvailable fails with the same error as the UI package manager «Failed to retrieve metadata from source [ Jack-Zhai’s workaround does allow me to list available packages through the UI package manager.

Wednesday, September 16, AM.

This works for me as well, thanks Statue you saved my time. Amazing coincidence. This post from a year ago gets edited right before my eyes right when I need the answer.

Sorry to bump this, but mine had to be special and was so called «NuGet. Config», which was very specific on NTFS for me! Actually, turned out I didn’t even need to delete the config at all. A restart of Visual Studio was required.

Show 5 more comments. Closing and re-opening VS resolves the issue. It seems that in some cases, simply reloading the affected project will work. IAbstract Lars Lars 9, 3 3 gold badges 30 30 silver badges 35 35 bronze badges. This worked for me too, after I closed VS, nuked the ‘packages’ folder for the solution, and restarted. This worked for me, although I had to close all instances of VS – closing just the affected one wasn’t enough. It seems so simple Worked for me too! Why, Microsoft?!?!

Why does this have to be the best answer and the one that worked for me? I am not comfortable with the answer but it works, we need the «why» — Zinov Dec 29 ’16 at Show 10 more comments. I found a solution for this in my case, try to update the NuGet Package Manager.

If there is an update for Nuget Package Installer, it should show in the list to the right. Hope this helps! Alejo03 Alejo03 3 3 silver badges 4 4 bronze badges. I followed this, however there was no updates pending for Nuget. There was one for «Web Tools» and this resolved the «nuget configuration is invalid» error for me. It probably wasn’t the fact that you upgraded «Web Tools», but rather the fact that installing extension updates requires you to restart Visual Studio.

Restarting worked for me. Worked for me as well — Aaron May 17 ’16 at In my case there was no update available, but I downloaded the latest version from dotnet. I verified I was then able to install NuGet packages again! Nikolay Kostov Nikolay Kostov Other solutions didn’t work but this one did. Deleting ‘packages’ was the key for me — Gordon Slysz Jun 10 ’16 at I don’t know why deleting the packages could work, but it does! I hadn’t updated anything though, I was just migrating from Visual Studio to , and.

NET 4. Where can I find the ‘packages’ folder? I only have bin and obj. Tom Stickel Tom Stickel Paul Roub Shahrooz Ansari Shahrooz Ansari 2, 1 1 gold badge 9 9 silver badges 20 20 bronze badges. Jesus, omg, you saved my life, I was getting crazy I was always getting the error «Install failed.

Tried deleting the NuGet config file has the accepted answer told and also tried restart VS and computer Thank you man so much! MarkMiddlemist MarkMiddlemist 3 3 bronze badges. Thanks a lot for this! Tuan Tran Tuan Tran 5, 2 2 gold badges 12 12 silver badges 21 21 bronze badges. I’ve downgraded to VS until the package manager is updated in VS — clockwiseq Nov 14 ’15 at Recreating the project as C class library fixed the problem.

Belgi Belgi I solved the problem by changing the Target Framework on my projects to 4. Where is the packages folder everyone is talking about? ShrimpCrackers – in the same location as the solution. Hans Vonn Hans Vonn 3, 3 3 gold badges 16 16 silver badges 14 14 bronze badges. Simply restarting Visual Studio works for me.. Chidi-Nwaneto Chidi-Nwaneto 5 5 silver badges 9 9 bronze badges. I could then install new packages again. Orhan Orhan 1 1 gold badge 4 4 silver badges 11 11 bronze badges.

Change the «package source» in nuget to All Details: None of the above helped in my case. I hope this can help someone. Rotem Varon Rotem Varon 1, 1 1 gold badge 14 14 silver badges 29 29 bronze badges. Heinz Kessler Heinz Kessler 1, 10 10 silver badges 19 19 bronze badges. Timm Timm 51 5 5 bronze badges. The Overflow Blog. Best practices for writing code comments. Featured on Meta. Linked Related Hot Network Questions.

Question feed. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. These settings can also be changed in your NuGet. Config file; see the consent section. If your project is an older project that uses the MSBuild-integrated package restore, you may need to migrate to automatic package restore.

This error occurs when you attempt to build a project that contains references to one or more NuGet packages, but those packages are not presently installed on the computer or in the project.

This situation commonly occurs when you obtain the project’s source code from source control or another download. Packages are typically omitted from source control or downloads because they can be restored from package feeds like nuget.

Including them would otherwise bloat the repository or create unnecessarily large. The error can also happen if your project file contains absolute paths to package locations, and you move the project. After a successful restore, the package should be present in the global-packages folder. The project should now build successfully. If not, file an issue on GitHub so we can follow up with you. The project. Because this file is generated dynamically through package restore, it’s typically not added to source control.

As a result, this error occurs when building a project with a tool such as msbuild that does not automatically restore packages.

In this case, run msbuild -t:restore followed by msbuild , or use dotnet build which restores packages automatically. You can also use any of the package restore methods in the previous section. You can change the applicable settings in Visual Studio as described earlier under Quick solution for Visual Studio users. You can also edit these settings directly in the applicable nuget. Make sure the enabled and automatic keys under packageRestore are set to True:.

If you edit the packageRestore settings directly in nuget. You may encounter build errors due to missing files, with a message saying to use NuGet restore to download them. However, running a restore might say, «All packages are already installed and there is nothing to restore. If the error still persists, use nuget locals all -clear or dotnet nuget locals all –clear from the command line to clear the global-packages and cache folders as described on Managing the global packages and cache folders.

Yes No. Any additional feedback? Skip Submit. Submit and view feedback for This product This page. View all page feedback. CLI tool for. NET Core and. NET Framework. Included with the. NET Core related workloads. NET Standard libraries. Other solutions didn’t work but this one did. Deleting ‘packages’ was the key for me — Gordon Slysz Jun 10 ’16 at I don’t know why deleting the packages could work, but it does! I hadn’t updated anything though, I was just migrating from Visual Studio to , and.

NET 4. Where can I find the ‘packages’ folder? I only have bin and obj. Tom Stickel Tom Stickel Paul Roub Shahrooz Ansari Shahrooz Ansari 2, 1 1 gold badge 9 9 silver badges 20 20 bronze badges.

Jesus, omg, you saved my life, I was getting crazy I was always getting the error «Install failed. Tried deleting the NuGet config file has the accepted answer told and also tried restart VS and computer Thank you man so much!

MarkMiddlemist MarkMiddlemist 3 3 bronze badges. Thanks a lot for this! Tuan Tran Tuan Tran 5, 2 2 gold badges 12 12 silver badges 21 21 bronze badges.

I’ve downgraded to VS until the package manager is updated in VS — clockwiseq Nov 14 ’15 at Recreating the project as C class library fixed the problem. Belgi Belgi I solved the problem by changing the Target Framework on my projects to 4. Where is the packages folder everyone is talking about? ShrimpCrackers – in the same location as the solution.

Hans Vonn Hans Vonn 3, 3 3 gold badges 16 16 silver badges 14 14 bronze badges. Simply restarting Visual Studio works for me.. Chidi-Nwaneto Chidi-Nwaneto 5 5 silver badges 9 9 bronze badges. I could then install new packages again. Orhan Orhan 1 1 gold badge 4 4 silver badges 11 11 bronze badges. Change the «package source» in nuget to All Details: None of the above helped in my case.

I hope this can help someone. Rotem Varon Rotem Varon 1, 1 1 gold badge 14 14 silver badges 29 29 bronze badges. Heinz Kessler Heinz Kessler 1, 10 10 silver badges 19 19 bronze badges. Timm Timm 51 5 5 bronze badges. The Overflow Blog.

Best practices for writing code comments. Featured on Meta. In this case, the details for the package include a version selector subject to the Include prerelease option and an Update button. Managing packages for a solution is a convenient means to work with multiple projects simultaneously. When managing packages for the solution, the UI lets you select the projects that are affected by the operations:.

Developers typically consider it bad practice to use different versions of the same NuGet package across different projects in the same solution. When you choose to manage packages for a solution, the Package Manager UI provides a Consolidate tab on which you can easily see where packages with distinct version numbers are used by different projects in the solution:.

In this example, the ClassLibrary1 project is using EntityFramework 6. To consolidate package versions, do the following:. The Package Manager installs the selected package version into all selected projects, after which the package no longer appears on the Consolidate tab. To change the source from which Visual Studio obtains packages, select one from the source selector:. The source now appears in the selector drop-down. To change a package source, select it, make edits in the Name and Source boxes, and select Update.

Using the up and down arrow buttons does not change the priority order of the package sources. Visual Studio ignores the order of package sources, using the package from whichever source is first to respond to requests.

For more information, see Package restore. If a package source reappears after deleting it, it may be listed in a computer-level or user-level NuGet. Config files. See Common NuGet configurations for the location of these files, then remove the source by editing the files manually or using the nuget sources command. If you edit the packageRestore settings directly in nuget. You may encounter build errors due to missing files, with a message saying to use NuGet restore to download them. However, running a restore might say, «All packages are already installed and there is nothing to restore.

If the error still persists, use nuget locals all -clear or dotnet nuget locals all –clear from the command line to clear the global-packages and cache folders as described on Managing the global packages and cache folders. When obtaining a project from source control, your project folders may be set to read-only. Change the folder permissions and try restoring packages again. You may be using an old version of NuGet. Check nuget. For Visual Studio , we recommend 3. If you encounter other problems, file an issue on GitHub so we can get more details from you.

Feedback will be sent to Microsoft: By pressing the submit button, your feedback will be used to improve Microsoft products and services.

That’s what is driving me crazy Please run your VS in safe mode:. I’m not very sure that whether it is related to your network, maybe you could use the same network as other machines in your machine, test it again. If it worked well, at least, we could know that it is not the VS IDE issue, and then you could discuss this issue with your IT, maybe it has certain limitation in your specific network.

All of my colleagues in the office are experiencing the same issue. We are all connected to the same network and all of us are running vs enterprise edition. It seems that I didn’t update it to the latest version in my side. But after I update it to the 3. Please check that whether it has some limitations in your local internet for the package sources in the following link.

I’m having the exact same issue. My organization does use a strict firewall and proxy. If this is a local internet issue, are there any suggestions on what I can do to to prove it and resolve it? I’m afraid that I have no directly answer for it, one idea is that you could discss this issue with the IT of your team, or you could change the internet without using the local type, test it again.

At least, it is the way we could narrow down this issue. I have a new box and just installed a fresh copy of VS Ent and get this same error. I can put the url in IE and it resolves just fine. You guys need to figure this out. This is ridiculous that you profess to not even having a clue as to what’s going on.

Since different members got the same issue, t o get the issue confirmed and diagnose by product team, would you please create connect report for it? You will get email notification for update. I presume the UI package manager’s initial step listing available packages is equivalent to Get-Package, so this seems to suggest a general issue with searching for packages rather than installing packages. Since this thread was closed for a long time, and VS IDE also has some updates like it has the update 2 now.

To discuss this issue better together, would you please create a new case in this forum? We will follow up the new case in time. We were able to reproduce this issue immediately against a new TFS Update 1 install in-place update from TFS U3 , resulting in the same failure and behavior on the two windows clients we tested with each with identical environment.

Server Environment: – Windows Server Client reproduction: 1. Load a test Solution 6. It would appear the original problem still exists out of the box, and it is a show stopper for this clients migration – Any thoughts or updates we can explore? NET version and saw the interesting difference above. Once I removed the leading v , VS can be started.

Last but not the least: Please also make sure the Release , Version registry key value are consistent and can work with your Windows version. Refer to below:. NET and Windows version dependencies. NET version. Windows 10 version info. So having the higher version is enough. Open an elevated PowerShell command prompt and run the following to discover which products have installed the key shared component:. Personally, this worked for me. I forgot that I had some old files laying around on an old drive, which appearantly later on messed something up in the registry I think..?

Anyway, with everything clean, it installed just fine! In summary, you may need to run the command Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned to be allowed to import the software. When I checked Add Remove Programs only x64 version was installed. If that’s the case for you, you can get the missing redistributable package from here ; or you can find the version appropriate to you through a google search.

In my case the solution had to do with enabling symbolic links. See How do I overcome the «The symbolic link cannot be followed because its type is disabled. This was killing me as well, I must have re-installed visual studios a thousand times before Stack Overflow helped me!

First is began with a Windows update problem While installing Visual Studio the Update flagged me that it needed – the update KB Went to the Windows update and saw several failed updates. No matter how I tried did not work. Went back to to do the Visual Studios update got the same error again! KB was finally updated so I tried again and a different error came up involving language packs.

Then I did the Visual Studio installations…. Like the rest of you, I’ve spent days trying to figure this out. I’ve been down this thread trying every combination of what you have all said, and nothing. Then proceeded to turn off everything in my Anti virus and I finally got the basic installation to go all the way through.

Frustrating, but hopefully this will help someone else who has tried everything. This is a very elusive problem. No simple solution looks to apply. I tried -all- the previous options with the same negative result: multiple packages errors.

Finally what works for me, was to install the very basic first ‘Visual Studio ‘ with -NO- updates. During the installation, setup automatically downloaded ‘Update 2’ and the installation finished successfully. For some reason the installation broke while in process. I just found similar issue and I tried to fix it by uninstall, and reinstall several time both using the web installer and the ISO but it cannot solved the problem.

Since the marked answer mentioned repairing the VC Redist , I list all the ones I can find instead of burying them in the comments. But all the links are broken and I didn’t find it. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.

Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Asked 5 years, 7 months ago. Active 2 years, 10 months ago. Viewed k times. Improve this question. Srivishnu 1 1 gold badge 5 5 silver badges 15 15 bronze badges.

Hello, did you try to apply «repair» option? So far I haven’t been able to solve this issue. Is Team Explorer included in some other application setup? I have solved it! Please see my answer.

Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. On my system the bit dll is 83,3KB, the 64 bit is 86,6KB release versions. Improve this answer. As a consequence of the above remarks, just manually install microsoft. It is also possible to repair the old ones instead of removing them via the Control Panel, but I’m not sure this will fix the problem as well?

This post from a year ago gets edited right before my eyes right when I need the answer. Sorry to bump this, but mine had to be special and was so called «NuGet. Config», which was very specific on NTFS for me! Actually, turned out I didn’t even need to delete the config at all. A restart of Visual Studio was required. Show 5 more comments. Closing and re-opening VS resolves the issue. It seems that in some cases, simply reloading the affected project will work. IAbstract Lars Lars 9, 3 3 gold badges 30 30 silver badges 35 35 bronze badges.

This worked for me too, after I closed VS, nuked the ‘packages’ folder for the solution, and restarted. This worked for me, although I had to close all instances of VS – closing just the affected one wasn’t enough. It seems so simple Worked for me too! Why, Microsoft?!?! Why does this have to be the best answer and the one that worked for me? I am not comfortable with the answer but it works, we need the «why» — Zinov Dec 29 ’16 at Show 10 more comments. I found a solution for this in my case, try to update the NuGet Package Manager.

If there is an update for Nuget Package Installer, it should show in the list to the right. Hope this helps! Alejo03 Alejo03 3 3 silver badges 4 4 bronze badges.

I followed this, however there was no updates pending for Nuget. There was one for «Web Tools» and this resolved the «nuget configuration is invalid» error for me.

It probably wasn’t the fact that you upgraded «Web Tools», but rather the fact that installing extension updates requires you to restart Visual Studio. Restarting worked for me. Worked for me as well — Aaron May 17 ’16 at In my case there was no update available, but I downloaded the latest version from dotnet. I verified I was then able to install NuGet packages again! Nikolay Kostov Nikolay Kostov Other solutions didn’t work but this one did.

Deleting ‘packages’ was the key for me — Gordon Slysz Jun 10 ’16 at I don’t know why deleting the packages could work, but it does!

I hadn’t updated anything though, I was just migrating from Visual Studio to , and. NET 4. Where can I find the ‘packages’ folder? You can use either the dotnet CLI or the nuget. NET Core. The nuget. See feature availability for a comparison. NET Core 2. NET Core project files such as. To learn how to use basic commands with the nuget. Install Mono 4.

Reload the shell. Test the installation by entering nuget with no parameters. NuGet CLI help should display.


Quick solution for Visual Studio users.Microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download


Like my previous reply: I’m not very sure that whether it is related to your network, maybe you could use the same network as other machines in your machine, test it again. Could you check that whether it is related to the network in your side? Wednesday, August 26, AM. Hi Jack, All of my colleagues in the office are experiencing the same issue. I don’t think we have different NuGet version.

Wednesday, August 26, PM. Hi rob, Thanks for your friendly response. Thursday, August 27, AM. Tuesday, September 8, PM. Please also add these site as the trust site in your IE settings, test it agian. Thanks, Jack We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.

Wednesday, September 9, AM. Ok, I’ve been getting this from the start with VS Installed in the day after release. Added it to my trusted sites, still doesn’t work. Thursday, September 10, PM. Friday, September 11, AM. Knut Meltzer. Great work , this solution is good for me!!!! Monday, September 14, PM. Seemed to work for me, but my work-mate wasn’t so lucky.

I seem to have exactly the same issue, however, in the Package Manager Console — Install-Package works fine Get-Package -ListAvailable fails with the same error as the UI package manager «Failed to retrieve metadata from source [ Jack-Zhai’s workaround does allow me to list available packages through the UI package manager. Wednesday, September 16, AM. This worked for me too. Note: the interface for adding a new url is not intuitive, you have to hit «update» first.

Thursday, October 1, AM. I don’t believe this trick works anymore. Wednesday, November 18, PM. Actually, no, this does not work.

Same error as before. Nuget PM in VS continues to work. You still receive updated package notifications in the tool and can update packages, but you cannot browse the package library. Thursday, June 2, PM. Sorry, I didn’t select the added feed source when I tested, still it doesn’t feel right to use a v1 or v2 source with a v3 client. Thank you for your support and co-operation. Friday, June 3, AM.

All other features of TFS Update 1 have passed testing as expected so far. Then press Change for each of them and when the uninstallation screen pops up, press Repair. I did it for all the versions I had previously installed: , and Therefore, I repaired 6 of them: x86 and x64, x86 and x64, x86 and x As mentioned by others in this discussion, do a search for vcruntime They should NOT have the same size. Also do the same check for msvcp Moreover I also checked for differences of vcruntime Before I ran the installation again, I repeated Solution 2 and Solution 3 scroll up.

And Voila, installation was successful. But how did I find out that the Anti-Virus Program was the culprit? Read Solution 8. I resorted to this solution in order to find out the problem. After reading Ezh’s article, I decided to download Process Monitor v3. I was carefully monitoring 3 programs side-by-side: Process Monitor, Process Explorer and the Visual Studios Installer, and I watched very closely all the processes that the installer was invoking.

Temporarily disabling the anti-virus program solved my issue! If all else fails, and you are really desperate to get Visual Studios working, I suggest a complete Windows re-installation. My problem did not go away with just reinstalling the vc redistributables. But I was able to find the error using the same process as in the excellent blog post by Ezh and thanks to Google Translate for making me able to read it.

In my case it was msvcp Just uninstalling the redistributables did not remove the file, so I had to delete it manually. Then I was able to install the x86 redistributables again, which installed a correct version of the dll file. I had similar problems and tried re-installing several times, but no joy. I was looking at installing individual packages from the ISO and all of the fiddling around – not happy at all.

It took quite a while to do the «repair» though. In the end it is installed and working. None of the resolutions outlined in this question solved my issue. I posted a similar question and ended up having to open a support ticket with Microsoft to get it resolved. Okay, so if you’re on the same boat as me and found that none of these solutions helped you, you most likely have a problem where NuGet or any of those packages is failing to install from the VSIX program due it calling a method that doesn’t exist on your computer not sure what.

Hope this helped someone out. It’s really frustrating that the installer’s log file doesn’t help at all. I had to look at the log file specific to NuGet, and that’s where I noticed the error:. The installation was unable to install the extension to all the selected products. For more information, click on the install log link at the bottom of the dialog.

Method not found: ‘System. XChainStatus Microsoft. I encountered this multiple failures during install VS And now I am able to re-install the VS But I still cannot install VS with the installer.

The error is still as below:. So I choose to repair it. But the repair doesn’t work. I still got the same error as above. And then reinstall VS with the installer. But it still failed with TeamExplorer.

I checked the log and found this:. Product Version: Product Language: Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation. Installation success or error status: And I googled a bit about error. Below is what my box has:.

Note that leading character v in the Version? I don’t know who put it there. But once I removed it, my VS with Update 3 can be installed smoothly! So you may wonder how could I find this. But after intalled VS successfully , I couldn’t launch it. It says this:. So I decided to check the installed. NET version and saw the interesting difference above. Once I removed the leading v , VS can be started. Last but not the least: Please also make sure the Release , Version registry key value are consistent and can work with your Windows version.

Refer to below:. NET and Windows version dependencies. NET version. Windows 10 version info. So having the higher version is enough. Open an elevated PowerShell command prompt and run the following to discover which products have installed the key shared component:. Personally, this worked for me. I forgot that I had some old files laying around on an old drive, which appearantly later on messed something up in the registry I think..?

Anyway, with everything clean, it installed just fine! In summary, you may need to run the command Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned to be allowed to import the software. When I checked Add Remove Programs only x64 version was installed. If that’s the case for you, you can get the missing redistributable package from here ; or you can find the version appropriate to you through a google search.

In my case the solution had to do with enabling symbolic links. See How do I overcome the «The symbolic link cannot be followed because its type is disabled. This was killing me as well, I must have re-installed visual studios a thousand times before Stack Overflow helped me!

Archived Forums. Visual Studio General Questions. Sign in to vote. I did find this from a google search which didn’t offer much reason for optimism Saturday, February 28, AM. Hi net2rd, Thanks for your reply.

Thanks for your understanding. Best Regards, We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Wednesday, March 4, AM. Monday, March 2, AM. But when I open Visual Studio I get this warning… Just recently this extension seemed to stop working correctly.

This may help If you check in About Visual Studio, you should see the NuGet Package Manager with a version number that is more recent than the one you would get with a fresh install, even if you ran Update 4 after the install. Thursday, October 29, PM.

May 25,  · To give consent, open the Visual Studio Options dialog, click on the NuGet Package Manager node and check ‘Allow NuGet to download missing packages during build.’ You can also give consent by setting the environment variable ‘EnableNuGetPackageRestore’ to ‘true’. Jul 08,  · If you’re missing the NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio , check Tools > Extensions and Updates and search for the NuGet Package Manager extension. If you’re unable to use the extensions installer in Visual Studio, download the extension directly from replace.me Jun 20,  · Starting in Visual Studio , the installer includes the NuGet Package Manager with any workload that replace.me To install separately, or to verify that the Package Manager is installed, run the Visual Studio installer and check the option under Individual Components > Code tools > NuGet package manager.

Package Restore tries to install all package dependencies to the correct state matching the package references in your project file. To follow the required steps to restore packages, see Restore packages. If the package references in your project file. If the instructions here do not work for you, please file an issue on GitHub so that we can examine your scenario more carefully.

Do not use the «Is this page helpful? If you’re using Visual Studio, first enable package restore as follows. Otherwise continue to the sections that follow. These settings can also be changed in your NuGet. Config file; see the consent section. If your project is an older project that uses the MSBuild-integrated package restore, you may need to migrate to automatic package restore. This error occurs when you attempt to build a project that contains references to one or more NuGet packages, but those packages are not presently installed on the computer or in the project.

This situation commonly occurs when you obtain the project’s source code from source control or another download. Packages are typically omitted from source control or downloads because they can be restored from package feeds like nuget. Including them would otherwise bloat the repository or create unnecessarily large. The error can also happen if your project file contains absolute paths to package locations, and you move the project.

After a successful restore, the package should be present in the global-packages folder. The project should now build successfully. If not, file an issue on GitHub so we can follow up with you. The project. Because this file is generated dynamically through package restore, it’s typically not added to source control. As a result, this error occurs when building a project with a tool such as msbuild that does not automatically restore packages.

In this case, run msbuild -t:restore followed by msbuild , or use dotnet build which restores packages automatically.

You can also use any of the package restore methods in the previous section. You can change the applicable settings in Visual Studio as described earlier under Quick solution for Visual Studio users. You can also edit these settings directly in the applicable nuget. Make sure the enabled and automatic keys under packageRestore are set to True:. If you edit the packageRestore settings directly in nuget. You may encounter build errors due to missing files, with a message saying to use NuGet restore to download them.

However, running a restore might say, «All packages are already installed and there is nothing to restore. If the error still persists, use nuget locals all -clear or dotnet nuget locals all –clear from the command line to clear the global-packages and cache folders as described on Managing the global packages and cache folders.

When obtaining a project from source control, your project folders may be set to read-only. Change the folder permissions and try restoring packages again. You may be using an old version of NuGet. Check nuget. For Visual Studio , we recommend 3. If you encounter other problems, file an issue on GitHub so we can get more details from you.

Feedback will be sent to Microsoft: By pressing the submit button, your feedback will be used to improve Microsoft products and services. Privacy policy. Skip to main content. Contents Exit focus mode. Important If you edit the packageRestore settings directly in nuget. Is this page helpful? Yes No. Any additional feedback? Skip Submit. Submit and view feedback for This product This page.

View all page feedback.

May 25,  · To give consent, open the Visual Studio Options dialog, click on the NuGet Package Manager node and check ‘Allow NuGet to download missing packages during build.’ You can also give consent by setting the environment variable ‘EnableNuGetPackageRestore’ to ‘true’. Mar 09,  · This is also the result of running Update 4 (Nov ) after applying a more recent update to NuGet Packager, such as this one from April , or via the Extensions and Updates GUI in VS If you check in About Visual Studio, you should see the NuGet Package Manager with a version number that is more recent than the one you would get with a. Aug 20,  · Hello, I have recently installed VS Enterprise edition and I have noticed a strange behavior with NuGet manager on VS Basically, it works perfectly fine if I launch the dialog from the Tools menu (Extensions and Updates). However, if I right click on a project name, in the solution · Ok I did that, but I’ve found what looks like a work. Jul 08,  · If you’re missing the NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio , check Tools > Extensions and Updates and search for the NuGet Package Manager extension. If you’re unable to use the extensions installer in Visual Studio, download the extension directly from replace.me


Microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download.This device is not currently supported for these products.


I had to do a system restore on my machine and then re-install of Visual Studio and I have now twice gotten this error message. So can anyone tell me what’s up with this message I can’t make heads or tails from the log file it’s huge which stands to reason since the install must have taken nearly 30 minutes. As you said that you install the extension i. In addition, as I pervious said that since this issue is related to the VS install issue.

If it still could not work, I suggest you’d better ask this issue directly to the VS Install forum, you will get better support about this issue. We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.

Thanks for helping make community forums a great place. Click HERE to participate the survey. Based on your issue, you mean that when you are also trying to install the VS Community with Update 4 and the get the error message, am I right?

If yes, to check this issue is related to the VS setup file or the OS environment. I suggest you could try to install the same version of VS on other machine check if you get same error message. If you still could not install it successfully, since I am not the VS install experts. I suggest you could try to repair or re-install the OS check this issue. I tried installing Visual Studio Community Edition on that machine and it installed with no issues.

Now to my laptop which is running Windows 8. I have also installed on this laptop an extension i. Maybe, maybe not. But when I open Visual Studio I get this warning…. Just recently this extension seemed to stop working correctly. This time I just uninstalled the extension and re installed it and this appeared ot work.

Windows Server Developer Center. Sign in. United States English. Home Learn Downloads Community. Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Answered by:. Archived Forums. Visual Studio General Questions. Sign in to vote. I did find this from a google search which didn’t offer much reason for optimism Saturday, February 28, AM.

Hi net2rd, Thanks for your reply. Thanks for your understanding. Best Regards, We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.

Wednesday, March 4, AM. Monday, March 2, AM. But when I open Visual Studio I get this warning… Just recently this extension seemed to stop working correctly. This may help If you check in About Visual Studio, you should see the NuGet Package Manager with a version number that is more recent than the one you would get with a fresh install, even if you ran Update 4 after the install. Thursday, October 29, PM.

У всех сегодня красно-бело-синие прически. Беккер потянулся и дернул шнурок вызова водителя. Пора было отсюда вылезать.

Looking to install a package? See Ways to install NuGet packages. This article briefly outlines the capabilities of the different tools, how to install them, and their comparative feature availability. MSBuild is not a general-purpose tool for working with NuGet.

Note, if you can’t see the extension in the first page of search results, try changing the Sort By dropdown to «Most Downloads», or an alphabetical sort. You can use either the dotnet CLI or the nuget. NET Core. The nuget. See feature availability for a comparison. NET Core 2. NET Core project files such as. To learn how to use basic commands with the nuget. Install Mono 4.

Reload the shell. Test the installation by entering nuget with no parameters. NuGet CLI help should display. Use nuget update -self on Windows to update an existing nuget.

If you’d like to preview upcoming NuGet features, install a Visual Studio Preview , which works side-by-side with stable releases of Visual Studio. To report problems or share ideas for previews, open an issue on the NuGet GitHub repository. Developers working on Windows can also explore the NuGet Package Explorer , an open-source, stand-alone tool to visually explore, create, and edit NuGet packages.

It’s very helpful, for example, to make experimental changes to a package structure without rebuilding the package. Feedback will be sent to Microsoft: By pressing the submit button, your feedback will be used to improve Microsoft products and services. Privacy policy. Skip to main content. Contents Exit focus mode. Note NuGet. NET Framework 4. Tip Use nuget update -self on Windows to update an existing nuget.

Is this page helpful? Yes No. Any additional feedback? Skip Submit. Submit and view feedback for This product This page. View all page feedback. CLI tool for. NET Core and. NET Framework. Included with the. NET Core related workloads. NET Standard libraries. Visual Studio. Visual Studio for Mac. On Mac, certain NuGet capabilities are built-in directly. Package Manager Console is not presently available.

For other capabilities, use the dotnet. Visual Studio Code. On Windows, Mac, or Linux, NuGet capabilities are available through marketplace extensions, or use the dotnet.

NET Core related workloads. NET Standard libraries. Visual Studio. Visual Studio for Mac. On Mac, certain NuGet capabilities are built-in directly. Package Manager Console is not presently available. For other capabilities, use the dotnet. Visual Studio Code. On Windows, Mac, or Linux, NuGet capabilities are available through marketplace extensions, or use the dotnet. Run the Visual Studios installation, then click «Custom» and on the following screen, uncheck everything and proceed with the installation.

Perhaps the installation failed due to corrupt files in the cache. When installation fails, remove all Visual Studio cache related items and do a full re-installation. Now run the Visual Studios installation again. After this, run the Visual Studios Installer again. First, check to see if all four evaluations are enabled. Open up command prompt Run as Administrator and type » fsutil behavior query SymlinkEvaluation «.

All 4 evaluations should be enabled. Once those 4 evaluations are set, clear up temporary files and clear installation cache see Solution 2 and Solution 3 then run the Visual Studios installation again.

Perhaps, the problem is that your VC-redistributables are faulty and are in need of repair. Then press Change for each of them and when the uninstallation screen pops up, press Repair. I did it for all the versions I had previously installed: , and Therefore, I repaired 6 of them: x86 and x64, x86 and x64, x86 and x As mentioned by others in this discussion, do a search for vcruntime They should NOT have the same size.

Also do the same check for msvcp Moreover I also checked for differences of vcruntime Before I ran the installation again, I repeated Solution 2 and Solution 3 scroll up.

And Voila, installation was successful. But how did I find out that the Anti-Virus Program was the culprit? Read Solution 8. I resorted to this solution in order to find out the problem. After reading Ezh’s article, I decided to download Process Monitor v3. I was carefully monitoring 3 programs side-by-side: Process Monitor, Process Explorer and the Visual Studios Installer, and I watched very closely all the processes that the installer was invoking.

Temporarily disabling the anti-virus program solved my issue! If all else fails, and you are really desperate to get Visual Studios working, I suggest a complete Windows re-installation. My problem did not go away with just reinstalling the vc redistributables.

But I was able to find the error using the same process as in the excellent blog post by Ezh and thanks to Google Translate for making me able to read it. In my case it was msvcp Just uninstalling the redistributables did not remove the file, so I had to delete it manually.

Then I was able to install the x86 redistributables again, which installed a correct version of the dll file. I had similar problems and tried re-installing several times, but no joy. I was looking at installing individual packages from the ISO and all of the fiddling around – not happy at all. It took quite a while to do the «repair» though. In the end it is installed and working. None of the resolutions outlined in this question solved my issue. I posted a similar question and ended up having to open a support ticket with Microsoft to get it resolved.

Okay, so if you’re on the same boat as me and found that none of these solutions helped you, you most likely have a problem where NuGet or any of those packages is failing to install from the VSIX program due it calling a method that doesn’t exist on your computer not sure what.

Hope this helped someone out. It’s really frustrating that the installer’s log file doesn’t help at all. I had to look at the log file specific to NuGet, and that’s where I noticed the error:. The installation was unable to install the extension to all the selected products. For more information, click on the install log link at the bottom of the dialog.

Method not found: ‘System. XChainStatus Microsoft. I verified I was then able to install NuGet packages again! Nikolay Kostov Nikolay Kostov Other solutions didn’t work but this one did.

Deleting ‘packages’ was the key for me — Gordon Slysz Jun 10 ’16 at I don’t know why deleting the packages could work, but it does! I hadn’t updated anything though, I was just migrating from Visual Studio to , and.

NET 4. Where can I find the ‘packages’ folder? I only have bin and obj. Tom Stickel Tom Stickel Paul Roub Shahrooz Ansari Shahrooz Ansari 2, 1 1 gold badge 9 9 silver badges 20 20 bronze badges. Jesus, omg, you saved my life, I was getting crazy I was always getting the error «Install failed. Tried deleting the NuGet config file has the accepted answer told and also tried restart VS and computer Thank you man so much!

MarkMiddlemist MarkMiddlemist 3 3 bronze badges. Thanks a lot for this! Tuan Tran Tuan Tran 5, 2 2 gold badges 12 12 silver badges 21 21 bronze badges. I’ve downgraded to VS until the package manager is updated in VS — clockwiseq Nov 14 ’15 at Recreating the project as C class library fixed the problem. Belgi Belgi I solved the problem by changing the Target Framework on my projects to 4. Where is the packages folder everyone is talking about? ShrimpCrackers – in the same location as the solution.

Hans Vonn Hans Vonn 3, 3 3 gold badges 16 16 silver badges 14 14 bronze badges. Simply restarting Visual Studio works for me.. Chidi-Nwaneto Chidi-Nwaneto 5 5 silver badges 9 9 bronze badges. I could then install new packages again. But when I open Visual Studio I get this warning….

Just recently this extension seemed to stop working correctly. This time I just uninstalled the extension and re installed it and this appeared ot work.

Windows Server Developer Center. Sign in. United States English. Home Learn Downloads Community. Ask a question. Wednesday, August 26, AM. Hi Jack, All of my colleagues in the office are experiencing the same issue. I don’t think we have different NuGet version. Wednesday, August 26, PM. Hi rob, Thanks for your friendly response. Thursday, August 27, AM. Tuesday, September 8, PM. Please also add these site as the trust site in your IE settings, test it agian.

Thanks, Jack We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.

Wednesday, September 9, AM. Ok, I’ve been getting this from the start with VS Installed in the day after release. Added it to my trusted sites, still doesn’t work. Thursday, September 10, PM. Friday, September 11, AM. Knut Meltzer. Great work , this solution is good for me!!!! Monday, September 14, PM. Seemed to work for me, but my work-mate wasn’t so lucky. I seem to have exactly the same issue, however, in the Package Manager Console — Install-Package works fine Get-Package -ListAvailable fails with the same error as the UI package manager «Failed to retrieve metadata from source [ Jack-Zhai’s workaround does allow me to list available packages through the UI package manager.

Wednesday, September 16, AM. This worked for me too.

Join Stack Overflow to learn, share knowledge, and build your career. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search.

I’ve tried every package I could possibly find and none of them will install in my project. I’ve installed every update listed in the Extensions and Updates list that were available. When I attempt to install SendGrid for example, this is the result as is the result with all other packages :.

I can’t be the only one on the planet having issue with Visual Studio and the new and «improved» NuGet Package Microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download. When I find out the after effects cc free, I’ll post the resolution in the event others run into the same problem. We created a new solution from scratch again this has wasted a lot of our development nugrt might I addadded a couple of packages Identity, EF, SendGrid and after checking the solution in to VSO, another developer performs a fresh creation of the branch and build errors occur.

When I ddownload to the NuGet packages for an individual project, it acts as though none of the nugget I have added are available. Anyone else experiencing this? Warning: If you had custom NuGet sources, this will remove them, and you’ll have to re-add them.

More likely than not, this xml file got broken somehow. In my case updating Microsoft. DotNetCompilerPlatform and Microsoft. Compilers caused the problem. Deleting binobjand packages folders and restarting Visual Studio solved the problem for me.

In general closing and re-open VS fixed most problems I have ran across. Once I did need to run a repair on failef of my microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download. Just to help out anyone who has landed on this page after updating VS to update 2 and trying to manage packages on a website, receiving the «NuGet configuration file is invalid» error, this is a known and acknowledged issue:.

I got mine working again by installing package manager 3. I create a new project, add packages microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download it just fine, check in TFS. Solution: on my home machine. I had this problem with Visual Studio Downloxd turns out that there are two class library projects – one for. Net and the other for C. I created the one for. Net and when I tried to install a specific package Microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download in my case I got the error message.

In my case, This problem was caused by a mismatch in my Target framework setting under each project. When I created a new project, VS defaulted to 4. For some reason, VS was not showing me these errors. I didn’t see them until I created a new empty project and tried to add my nuget project there. This behavior may have been aggravated because I had renamed the project a few times during the initial setup. I am using Visual Studio Update 3 and I managed to reproduce this error по этому сообщению Update 3 allegedly containing a fix.

As suggested above, a reliable fix is to do the following Repairing Visual Studio seems to have resolved this issue for me. See this issue for NuGet in GitHub. I had this problem, which seemed to be caused by something broken in the solution level packages folder. I deleted the contents of the folder and let nuget install all the packages again.

Open the packages folder. Check if files with extension. Delete all the packages which have a. Delete the. Close and open the Nuget Explorer. Details: None of the above helped in my case. My problem was that I restricted to only one private feed. Once I changed the «package source» to Allmy problem was solved. I believe the crux of the matter is that my private pkg has a dependency on other pkgs from nuget.

In my case, nothing of the above helped. The root cause of the problem in my case was, that I uninstalled the package before and did microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download check in the change into source control TFS in my case.

In my case, there was an empty packages. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.

Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Asked 5 years, 10 months ago. Active 1 year, 4 months ago. Viewed k times. When I attempt to install SendGrid for example, this is the result as is the result with all other packages : Attempting to gather dependencies information for package ‘Sendgrid.

MVC’, targeting ‘. MVC’ that targets ‘net’. For adding package ‘SendGrid. Adding package ‘SendGrid. Rolling back Improve this question. Add a comment. Sttudio Oldest Votes. Longer version: You might have corrupted your NuGet config.

Oh no : Nuget. Improve this answer. KyleMit Stachu Stachu 4, 2 micrpsoft gold badges 26 26 silver badges 34 34 bronze badges. Http://replace.me/21283.txt, that was a neat solution — Nic Sep 2 ’16 at This works for me as well, thanks Statue you saved my time.

Amazing coincidence. This post from a year ago gets edited right dtudio my eyes right when I need the answer. Sorry to bump this, but mine had visyal be special and was so called «NuGet. Config», which was very specific супер windows 10 home license free что NTFS for me! Actually, turned out I didn’t even need to delete the config at all. A restart of Visual Studio was required. Show micdosoft more comments. Closing and re-opening VS resolves the issue.

It seems that downloda some cases, simply reloading the affected project will work. IAbstract Lars Lars microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download, 3 3 gold badges microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download 30 silver badges 35 35 bronze badges.

This worked for me too, after I closed VS, nuked the ‘packages’ folder for the solution, and restarted. This worked for me, although I had to close all instances of VS – closing just the affected one wasn’t enough. It seems so simple Worked for me too! Why, Microsoft?!?! Why does this have to be the best answer and the one that worked for me?

I am not comfortable with the answer but it works, we need the «why» — Zinov Dec 29 ’16 at Show 10 more comments. I found a solution for this in my case, try to update the NuGet Package Manager. If there is an update for Nuget Package Installer, it should show in the list to the right. Hope this helps! Alejo03 Alejo03 3 3 silver badges 4 4 bronze badges. I followed this, however there was no updates pending for Nuget.

There was one for «Web Tools» and this resolved the «nuget configuration is invalid» error for me. It probably wasn’t the fact that you upgraded «Web Tools», but rather the fact that installing extension updates requires you to restart Visual Studio.

Nov 22,  · After the failed install you have to repair the vc redistributables and restart the visual studio installer. The redistributable installer is messed up, it mixes up 64bit and 32bit dll’s. You can check if you have this problem by looking at the vcruntimedll file size. Jul 08,  · If you’re missing the NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio , check Tools > Extensions and Updates and search for the NuGet Package Manager extension. If you’re unable to use the extensions installer in Visual Studio, download the extension directly from replace.me NuGet for Visual Studio NuGet is the package manager for the Microsoft development platform replace.me The NuGet client tools provide the ability to produce and consume packages. The NuGet Gallery is the central package repository used by all package authors and consumers. For more information about NuGet, visit the NuGet Docs. Available NuGet Distribution Versions. Windows x86 Commandline. replace.me – recommended latest. Visual Studio VS VSIX – latest. Visual Studio NuGet 4.x is included in the Visual Studio installation. Latest NuGet releases are delivered as part of Visual Studio updates. May 25,  · To give consent, open the Visual Studio Options dialog, click on the NuGet Package Manager node and check ‘Allow NuGet to download missing packages during build.’ You can also give consent by setting the environment variable ‘EnableNuGetPackageRestore’ to ‘true’.
Mar 09,  · This is also the result of running Update 4 (Nov ) after applying a more recent update to NuGet Packager, such as this one from April , or via the Extensions and Updates GUI in VS If you check in About Visual Studio, you should see the NuGet Package Manager with a version number that is more recent than the one you would get with a. Jun 20,  · Starting in Visual Studio , the installer includes the NuGet Package Manager with any workload that replace.me To install separately, or to verify that the Package Manager is installed, run the Visual Studio installer and check the option under Individual Components > Code tools > NuGet package manager. Available NuGet Distribution Versions. Windows x86 Commandline. replace.me – recommended latest. Visual Studio VS VSIX – latest. Visual Studio NuGet 4.x is included in the Visual Studio installation. Latest NuGet releases are delivered as part of Visual Studio updates. Nov 22,  · After the failed install you have to repair the vc redistributables and restart the visual studio installer. The redistributable installer is messed up, it mixes up 64bit and 32bit dll’s. You can check if you have this problem by looking at the vcruntimedll file size.
Available NuGet Distribution Versions. Windows x86 Commandline. replace.me – recommended latest. Visual Studio VS VSIX – latest. Visual Studio NuGet 4.x is included in the Visual Studio installation. Latest NuGet releases are delivered as part of Visual Studio updates. Jun 20,  · Starting in Visual Studio , the installer includes the NuGet Package Manager with any workload that replace.me To install separately, or to verify that the Package Manager is installed, run the Visual Studio installer and check the option under Individual Components > Code tools > NuGet package manager. Aug 20,  · Hello, I have recently installed VS Enterprise edition and I have noticed a strange behavior with NuGet manager on VS Basically, it works perfectly fine if I launch the dialog from the Tools menu (Extensions and Updates). However, if I right click on a project name, in the solution · Ok I did that, but I’ve found what looks like a work. All of the help you need for Visual Studio IDE FAQs, articles, and contact information for product support. Learn more here. Jul 08,  · If you’re missing the NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio , check Tools > Extensions and Updates and search for the NuGet Package Manager extension. If you’re unable to use the extensions installer in Visual Studio, download the extension directly from replace.me


Uninstall a package.Microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download

Nov 22,  · After the failed install you have to repair the vc redistributables and restart the visual studio installer. The redistributable installer is messed up, it mixes up 64bit and 32bit dll’s. You can check if you have this problem by looking at the vcruntimedll file size. May 25,  · To give consent, open the Visual Studio Options dialog, click on the NuGet Package Manager node and check ‘Allow NuGet to download missing packages during build.’ You can also give consent by setting the environment variable ‘EnableNuGetPackageRestore’ to ‘true’. Sep 01,  · I found a solution for this in my case, try to update the NuGet Package Manager. To do this: From VS, go to Tools -> Extensions and Updates; Open the Updates menu option at the left, then select Visual Studio Gallery. If there is an update for Nuget Package Installer, it should show in the list to the right. Click Update; Restart Visual Studio.

Join Stack Overflow to learn, share knowledge, and build your career. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most.

Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. When installing Visual Studio Community Edition on Windows 10, using the web installer, everything runs fine, however, the following packages fail to install:.

Since I don’t use either Azure or Team Explorer any solutions which mean I won’t have access to them will suffice. The log file that was generated by the Installer can be found here as it was over 65, characters long dtudio scroll to the bottom for all the fun. After the failed install you have to repair the vc redistributables and restart the visual studio installer.

The redistributable installer microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download messed up, it sutdio up 64bit and 32bit dll’s. You can studjo if you have this problem by looking at the vcruntime If any files have microsott same size, you need to run a repair on the redistributable. I spent a whole week trying to solve this issue. What finally did it for me was disabling my anti-virus programs.

Before I stumbled upon my solution, I went through a lot of other solutions. I thought, I’d post some of the solutions that downloaf prove to be useful for those who are still having trouble with installing Visual Studios Community Edition. Try installing with minimal extra features.

Run the Visual Studios installation, then click «Custom» and нажмите сюда the following screen, uncheck everything and proceed with the installation.

Microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download the installation failed due to corrupt files in the cache. When installation fails, remove all Visual Studio cache microzoft items and do a full re-installation.

Now run the Visual Studios installation again. After this, run the Visual Studios Installer again. First, check to see if all four microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download are enabled. Open up command prompt Run as Administrator and type » fsutil behavior query SymlinkEvaluation «.

All 4 evaluations should be enabled. Once those 4 evaluations are set, clear up temporary files and clear installation cache see Solution 2 and Solution 3 then run the Visual Studios installation again. Perhaps, the problem is that your VC-redistributables are faulty and are in need of repair.

Then press Change for each of them and when the uninstallation screen pops up, press Repair. I did it for all the versions I had previously installed:and Therefore, I repaired 6 of them: x86 and x64, x86 and x64, x86 and x As mentioned by others studii this discussion, do a search for vcruntime They adobe pro cc 2018 clip free NOT have the same size.

Microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download do the same check for msvcp Moreover I also checked for differences of vcruntime Before I ran the installation again, I repeated Solution 2 and Solution 3 scroll up. And Voila, installation was successful. But how did I find out that the Anti-Virus Program was the culprit? Read Solution 8. I resorted to this microsift in order to find out the problem. After reading Ezh’s article, I decided to download Process Monitor v3.

I was carefully monitoring 3 programs side-by-side: Process Monitor, Process Explorer and the Visual Studios Installer, microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download I watched very nget all the processes that the installer was invoking. Temporarily disabling the anti-virus dowjload solved my issue!

If all downloac fails, and you are really desperate to get Visual Studios working, I suggest a complete Windows re-installation. My problem did visuual go away with just reinstalling the vc redistributables. But I was able to find the error using the same process as in the excellent blog post by Ezh and thanks to Google Translate for making me able to microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download it. In my case it was msvcp Just uninstalling the redistributables did not remove the file, so I had to delete it manually.

Then I was able to install the x86 redistributables again, which installed a correct version of the dll file. I had similar problems and tried re-installing several times, but no joy. Microsoft nuget – visual studio 2015 package failed free download was looking at installing individual packages from the ISO and all of the fiddling around – not happy at all.

It took quite a while to do packqge «repair» though. In the end it is installed and working. None of the resolutions outlined in this question solved my issue. Fere posted a similar question and ended up having to open a support ticket with Microsoft to get it resolved. Okay, so if you’re on the same boat as me and found that none of nyget solutions helped microoft, you most likely have a problem where NuGet or any of those packages is failing to install from the VSIX program due it calling a method that doesn’t exist on your computer not sure what.

Hope this helped someone out. It’s really frustrating that the installer’s log file doesn’t help at all. I had to look at the log file specific to NuGet, and that’s where I noticed the error:. Fakled installation was unable to install the extension to all the selected products.

For more information, click on the install log link at the bottom of the dialog. Method not found: ‘System. XChainStatus Microsoft. I encountered this multiple failures during install VS And now I am able to re-install the VS But I still cannot install VS with the installer. The error is still as below:. So I choose to repair it.

But the repair doesn’t work. I still got the same error as above. And then адрес VS with the fere. But it still failed with TeamExplorer.

I checked the log and found this:. Product Version: pafkage Product Language: microsoft word 2019 free Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation. Installation success or error status: And I googled a bit about error. Below is what my box has:. Note that leading character v in the Version? I don’t know who put it there. But once I removed it, my VS with Update 3 can be installed smoothly! So you may wonder how could I find this.

But after intalled VS successfullyI couldn’t launch it. It says this:. So I decided to check the installed. NET version and saw the нажмите чтобы увидеть больше difference above.

Once I removed the leading vVS can be started. Last but not the least: Please also make sure the ReleaseVersion registry key value are consistent and can work with your Windows version. Refer to below:. NET and Windows version dependencies. NET version. Windows 10 version info.

So having filed higher version is enough. Open an elevated PowerShell command prompt and frree the following to discover which products have installed the key shared component:. Pacage, this worked for me. I forgot that I had some old files laying around on an old drive, which appearantly later on messed something up in the registry I think.?

Anyway, with everything microosoft, it installed just fine! In summary, you may need to run the command Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned to be allowed to import the software. When I checked Add Remove Programs only x64 version was installed. If that’s the case for you, you can get the missing redistributable package from here ; or you can find the version appropriate to you through nkget google search.

In my case the solution had to do with enabling symbolic links.

NuGet for Visual Studio NuGet is the package manager for the Microsoft development platform replace.me The NuGet client tools provide the ability to produce and consume packages. The NuGet Gallery is the central package repository used by all package authors and consumers. For more information about NuGet, visit the NuGet Docs. Jun 20,  · Starting in Visual Studio , the installer includes the NuGet Package Manager with any workload that replace.me To install separately, or to verify that the Package Manager is installed, run the Visual Studio installer and check the option under Individual Components > Code tools > NuGet package manager. May 25,  · To give consent, open the Visual Studio Options dialog, click on the NuGet Package Manager node and check ‘Allow NuGet to download missing packages during build.’ You can also give consent by setting the environment variable ‘EnableNuGetPackageRestore’ to ‘true’.
NuGet for Visual Studio NuGet is the package manager for the Microsoft development platform replace.me The NuGet client tools provide the ability to produce and consume packages. The NuGet Gallery is the central package repository used by all package authors and consumers. For more information about NuGet, visit the NuGet Docs. Jul 08,  · If you’re missing the NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio , check Tools > Extensions and Updates and search for the NuGet Package Manager extension. If you’re unable to use the extensions installer in Visual Studio, download the extension directly from replace.me May 25,  · To give consent, open the Visual Studio Options dialog, click on the NuGet Package Manager node and check ‘Allow NuGet to download missing packages during build.’ You can also give consent by setting the environment variable ‘EnableNuGetPackageRestore’ to ‘true’. Jun 20,  · Starting in Visual Studio , the installer includes the NuGet Package Manager with any workload that replace.me To install separately, or to verify that the Package Manager is installed, run the Visual Studio installer and check the option under Individual Components > Code tools > NuGet package manager. Nov 22,  · After the failed install you have to repair the vc redistributables and restart the visual studio installer. The redistributable installer is messed up, it mixes up 64bit and 32bit dll’s. You can check if you have this problem by looking at the vcruntimedll file size.

To learn how to use basic commands with the nuget. Install Mono 4. Reload the shell. Test the installation by entering nuget with no parameters. NuGet CLI help should display. Use nuget update -self on Windows to update an existing nuget. If you’d like to preview upcoming NuGet features, install a Visual Studio Preview , which works side-by-side with stable releases of Visual Studio.

To report problems or share ideas for previews, open an issue on the NuGet GitHub repository. Developers working on Windows can also explore the NuGet Package Explorer , an open-source, stand-alone tool to visually explore, create, and edit NuGet packages.

It’s very helpful, for example, to make experimental changes to a package structure without rebuilding the package. Feedback will be sent to Microsoft: By pressing the submit button, your feedback will be used to improve Microsoft products and services. Privacy policy. Skip to main content. Contents Exit focus mode. Note NuGet. NET Framework 4. Tip Use nuget update -self on Windows to update an existing nuget.

Is this page helpful? Yes No. Any additional feedback? Skip Submit. Submit and view feedback for This product This page. View all page feedback. If it still could not work, I suggest you’d better ask this issue directly to the VS Install forum, you will get better support about this issue.

We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place. Click HERE to participate the survey. Based on your issue, you mean that when you are also trying to install the VS Community with Update 4 and the get the error message, am I right?

If yes, to check this issue is related to the VS setup file or the OS environment. I suggest you could try to install the same version of VS on other machine check if you get same error message. If you still could not install it successfully, since I am not the VS install experts.

I suggest you could try to repair or re-install the OS check this issue. I tried installing Visual Studio Community Edition on that machine and it installed with no issues. Now to my laptop which is running Windows 8. I have also installed on this laptop an extension i. Maybe, maybe not. But when I open Visual Studio I get this warning…. Just recently this extension seemed to stop working correctly. This time I just uninstalled the extension and re installed it and this appeared ot work.

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